Gay pride rainbow vs regular rainbow

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But to be proud of one’s homosexuality is sin on top of sin. Both pride and homosexuality are sinful (Prov 11:22 Rom 1:26-32). When we use the rainbow as a symbol of gay pride, we are, in a sense, spitting on God’s hand of mercy. God made a covenant with Noah, and with you and me, with the rainbow as the “token” of it, to never flood the earth again (Gn 9:8-17).

At the time of the flood God caused it to rain for the first time (Gn 7:12), producing rainbows ever since. Because of the humility and reverence toward God (which is the exact opposite of pride) that one man had (Noah) he spared him and his family by directing him to build what we know as, “the ark,” which saved him, his family, and many animals.īefore the flood “a mist from the earth” provided water (Gn 2:5-6). But did you know that long before this came about, the true meaning of the rainbow was established by God Himself as being a token of His grace toward sinners like you and me? At one point in human history the wickedness of mankind was so great (Gn 6:5), and God’s heart was so grieved by it (Gn 6:6), that he judged the world in righteousness through a worldwide flood (Gn 7:23). Today, some use the colors of the rainbow to symbolize gay pride.

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